Care for Members

Members of the St. Luke’s congregation carry each other in prayer and support each other in various ways. 

Welcome Visitors: greet and deliver a welcome bag to visitors who are attending the worship service.

Home Visitors: are the people who regularly visit our home bound-members and take communion to them. Anyone interested in extending this gift to our shut-in members should contact the church office.

Flower Delivery: Volunteers deliver the altar flowers to members who are hospitalized, in nursing homes or who are confined to their homes.

The Prayer Shawl Gatherings This group of knitters keep their fingers busy at home and get together to knit and pray for those who will receive the comforting shawls.

Card Ministry: If your creative bent is making greeting cards, these cards are sent to members of the congregation who are ill, who have lost a loved one, or to let people know that members of the congregation are thinking about them.

Blood Pressure and Donation: Nurses in the congregation are available once each month to take your blood pressure. Once each year, Vitalent sets up at St. Luke’s to serve those who wish to donate blood.

At the Time of Death: Messages about deaths in the congregation and funeral arrangements are broadcast by email to those who wish to be notified.

Contact St. Luke’s

205 N. Prospect Ave.
Park Ridge, IL 60068

Phone: 847-825-6659

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