What We believe

What are some distinctive understandings about being Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Lutheran Christians? 

  • Our understanding of Holy Scripture: Jesus Christ is the Word of God in flesh and blood. The Old and New Testament are the written Word of God.  Inspired by God’s speaking through their authors, they record and announce God’s revelation in Jesus Christ.   Hence, we see the Bible as the inspired Word of God, not the inerrant Word of God. 
  • There are many themes of the saving power of God in Holy Scripture:  they include: freedom from captivity; water on a desert journey; a pathway home from exile; wisdom for life; light in the darkness; life over death; the triumph of love over fear and hate.
  • The message of the Gospel speaks to the compassion of Jesus.  Over and above purity, Jesus seeks the lost and lonely, and brings them within the fold of his love.  We believe that this inspires the church to be about the work of Christ on earth by doing the same.
  • We understand the Christian as both saint and sinner.  We confess that we are “by nature sinful and unclean and cannot free ourselves”. The Word and Sacraments are seen as gifts of God that renew and forgive us on our faith journey and continue to empower us to do the work of Christ in the world.
  • Worship is central to the Lutheran Christian life – where the Gospel is preached and experienced each week through Word and Sacrament.  We believe the Altar of the Lord, to be the Lord’s – and so the invitation to come and receive the gift of Holy communion is open to all people.

Pastor Kyle Severson

Pastor Kyle Severson welcomes your questions about what the Lutheran Church believes; please reach out!

Email: kseverson@stlukespr.org
Phone: 847-825-6659 ext. 110