Rally Day
Don’t miss St. Luke’s Sunday School Opening Day September 19th at 9:45 a.m.. It is a day of excitement as classes will resume in person. This year, Rally Day will include the beginning of Little Lambs, Sunday School, Confirmation, Middle School Sunday School, and High School Forum. Information night for the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering (open to grades 8-12). Come and join us!
Sunday School will gather in Henderson Hall for an opening time of music and hearing the story of the day followed by break offs by age group. We will begin by looking at stories of the Old Testament. Sunday School will begin with an emphasis on biblical literacy with a different story each week that flows together with the previous week’s story to create an overarching understanding of the Bible. Pastor Sally will be hosting the opening portions of music using a “camp style” and will present throughout the class period.
For more information about the education program at St. Luke’s, Click HERE>