With Gratitude and Joy
This past Sunday, God certainly answered the call found in the Advent Prayer of the Day: “Stir up your power, O Lord and come.” God’s power in the Holy Spirit was present as we received seven new members; as we assembled almost 200 Christmas packages with the Sunday School children for migrant children through RefugeeOne; as we shared the beginning of a lively Bible Study of the Gospel of Mark at the Adult Forum; as we gathered in a full church to experience the beautiful Candlelight liturgy; and as our worship and Candlelight services were available to members and many others through livestream technology.
I deeply reflected while being spiritually fed by the beautiful Candlelight Service. I noticed, as I am sure you did, all of the different elements coming together in this liturgy: the great diversity of the musicians and readers as well as the diversity and quality of the musical selections; the presence of their loved ones; the Sunday School children and those who nurture them in the faith; neighbors; the full sanctuary; and in the center of it all. our dear director of music ministries, Anne Krenz Organ. And I saw that for her, me, and so many in the congregation, this ministry is about more than excellent music. It is about relationships, ministry to and with participants and their loved ones, and about forming and nurturing a holy community among the many people, both members and visitors alike.
Undergirding this excellent and compassionate mission and ministry of St. Luke’s, is the steadfast support of our members through time, talents and treasure. So, at this time of year, we are asking everyone to do two things for the sake of God’s mission at St. Luke’s.
- Share a pledge for a generous weekly offering in 2024. Watch your physical mail for a pledge card in the coming days.
- Share a generous year–end gift to help address the more than 100k shortfall in income versus expenses in 2023.
We are asking to receive these pledges and gifts by Commitment Sunday, the 4th Sunday of Advent.
This coming year, with God’s grace, we will welcome a new pastor to our church family. In making your 2024 pledge, please consider that we estimate that our annual personnel expenses will increase by around $30,000 for the compensation package of a new full-time pastor in contrast to what we have been paying Pastor Bouman as our 3/4-time interim pastor with no health benefits due to Medicare.
Let us end the year strong as well as commit to generous giving in the coming year in solidarity and accountability to one another and our new pastor, and as a pledge of our gratitude to a gracious God who has given our lives back to us by the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Pastor Stephen Bouman