Where is the Kingdom of God?

Pilate entered the headquarters again, summoned Jesus, and asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not from this world…….John 18: 33ff
Our gospel reading on Christ the King Sunday comes during Jesus’ last hours before his death.  Jesus has been handed over to the Pilate, the Roman governor.  They tell Pilate that Jesus is a criminal whom they want to put to death. So, Pilate questions Jesus, asking if he is the “King of the Jews.”

Gifts for Refugee Children

Last year, your generosity helped give over 200 kids at RefugeeOne a wonderful Christmas! St. Luke’s is partnering with RefugeeOne again this year. Last year was so successful, that we will be repeating what we did by providing monetary donations to give each child a gift. Our goal is to raise $25 per child; with that level of support, each child will receive a bag full of candy, one small item and a gift card.