Responding in a Time of Crisis

Last month there was a crisis in Park Ridge at the Bristol Court Apartments. Within a day of the fire, St Luke’s teamed with another Park Ridge Church and the local authorities to put together a clothing drive. An email went out to the congregation to donate within the next 24 hours to make an immediate impact in our community. And WOW, did people respond, both within the congregation and within the community.

Ministry to Older Adults

The pastoral message this week will be a video which I made for both of the Saint Luke\St. Luke’s congregations together. As most of you know I am the interim pastor at both Saint Luke, Chicago and St. Luke’s, Park Ridge. We share common holy space every Thursday at noon when we have our online Bible Study. I want to share holy space about outreach to and with older adults (like me!) in my video to both beloved St. Luke communities.

Men’s Barbecue

On Wednesday, July 13 at 5:30 p.m., all men of the congregation are invited to join us for a barbecue. Bring your friends and a lawn chair for an evening of fellowship and conversation. A dinner of pulled pork and trimmings will be served at 6:30 p.m. We will meet at the front of the church. In case of rain, we will move to Henderson Hall. Please RSVP to Tim McCurry or Jim Beyreis. Their phone numbers are in the directory. Lemonade will be provided, or BYOB.

Organ Recital

Sunday, July 17 at 3:00 p.m. You are invited to attend an organ recital given by Ethan Mellema on our Goulding & Wood organ. The program will include works by German, American and French composers with a reception following. For more information please contact Ethan or check out the recital’s Facebook page.

We Exist for Each Other

Sunday was special. I arrived early and saw the care and love and work that went into providing a beautiful outdoor worship experience for St. Luke’s. The altar guild moved the flowers and elements to set up the altar at the front steps of the church for communion. The musicians practiced, working with the organ and a keyboard to produce the sound of God’s praise for the outside congregation. People carried chairs, set up the parking to leave space for children to roam, set up the welcome table in front of the office door. The sound system was checked out. The table for ice cream floats was prepared. People new to our congregation were welcomed. The intergenerational worshippers formed clusters of conversation and welcome. So many hands making this liturgy truly “the work of the people of God.”

Death is Too Much With Us

Death is too much with us. War in Ukraine and Ethiopia and elsewhere on the globe. Mass shootings almost every day. Death invading our personal circle of friends, acquaintances, loved ones. Our own reminders that we are mortal, with death waiting for all of us. I am sharing a remembrance from long ago which may help us put death in the perspective of our faith.

Summer Reading Challenge

St. Luke’s Library Children’s Summer 2022 Reading Challenge!

All children ages pre-K through grade 2, and grades 3-5, join in the Summer Reading Challenge!

Sign up starting Sunday, June 5, and read books of your choice (or have someone read to you) from our St. Luke’s Library. When you return a book to the return basket, check out another and keep reading!

Never Alone

This past weekend I was in Cleveland with my family at the memorial for my nephew Peter. He struggled with bi-polar illness and took his life. His parents were courageous in sharing those details and were a huge comfort to many who struggle with mental health issues and their loved ones. In today’s video I will share words of comfort and hope for all who are touched by this illness. What Chuck and Helene (my sister) said to so many is this: we see you. God sees you. Jesus has you.