Responding in a Time of Crisis

Last month there was a crisis in Park Ridge at the Bristol Court Apartments. Within a day of the fire, St Luke’s teamed with another Park Ridge Church and the local authorities to put together a clothing drive. An email went out to the congregation to donate within the next 24 hours to make an immediate impact in our community. And WOW, did people respond, both within the congregation and within the community.

Are You a Giver?

A number of years ago, I was at a leadership conference and the keynote speaker started with this question, “Are you a giver?” As the crowd took a collective sigh of exhaustion, the speaker again asked, “Are you a giver? I mean, a joyful giver?” He then began to unpack the statement.

Peace Be With You

Alleluia, Christ is Risen !

Last week we gathered for a triumphal celebration of the resurrection of our Lord. This week we hear more about the hours following Mary’s discovery of the empty tomb. Jesus comes to the disciples who are still hiding offering Christ’s peace as he breathed upon them. I wonder what that tomb breath may have smelled like but the scriptures do tell us what it felt like – the ultimate sense of peace.

Alleluia, Christ is Risen

Alleluia, Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen indeed, Alleluia!

We are Easter people who with each day die and rise again in the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. On this day of Christ’s resurrection, we rejoice with all who have gone before us and all who are yet to come in the great communion of saints. We give thanks and praise knowing that we are forgiven and called beloved just as we are. The resurrection proves that no matter the circumstances, we can start over and rise again, and again, and again in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord who on this day has risen from the grave.

The God of Yes

This week while I was preparing for the sermon and spending time in the gospel of Luke, a friend pointed me to this poem and reflection titled, “God of Yes.” In order to create healthy boundaries in our world that constantly asks us to do more and be more, we are encouraged to not be afraid of the word, “No.” No creates space to learn and grow. No creates opportunities to nourish ourselves and prioritize our time. No allows for a chance to rest and renew. But what about Yes?

Choose Your Own Adventure

In this first Sunday in Lent, we watch as the Spirit leads Jesus to the wilderness without food, water, shelter or relationships. Join us this week as the season of Lent invites us to draw closer to God, even through temptation. We celebrate with Lincoln, and his loved ones, as we welcome Lincoln to God’s family and St. Luke’s through his baptism on Sunday.

It’s so shiny …

The fresh snowfall this week brought the drab ground and sky back to a bright and shiny wonderland that glistens in the sun and forces you to put on sunglasses while driving. This shininess is just in time for our celebration of the Transfiguration of Jesus this weekend where we hear about the dazzling white and rays of shininess of Jesus on the mountaintop where the disciples experience the Glory of God. Come and join us in-person or online for worship.

Doing It Differently

I was planning a large camp game of capture the flag. There were about 150 kids playing. How in the world were we going to be able to keep everyone honest as to what team they were on? Our confirmation group had not pre-planned being able to ask students to wear or bring a certain color shirt to help with this kind of thing. I looked around and saw a group of leaders cleaning paint brushes from an art activity from free time. There! That’s it! Let’s use paint!

Cozy in Christ

Hygge (pronounces Hue-guh) is a Danish concept that cannot be easily described in one English word but encompasses a feeling of cozy contentment through enjoying the simple things in life. If you’ve ever sat and simply watched it snow while you read a book or sipped from a warm mug, you’ve experienced hygee without even knowing it. If I had to put the concept of hygge into one English word, I would probably use cozy.

Mary, Did You Know?

Once every three years, our lectionary gives us Mary’s song. A joyous proclamation of her faith in what would become a defining moment for her as she stands in the doorway of Elizabeth’s house. And every three years, there seems to be debate and conversation on social media regarding the song, “Mary, did you know?” This year was no different. And as we move into this 4th week of advent and hear Mary’s song, I can across a reflection on this exact topic from Timothy Marcus Smith, ELCA Bishop of the North Carolina Synod that I wanted to share as a part of this week’s Pastors Blog: